2024-2025 Child Evangelism Fellowship® Teen Registration

Please complete this form and click submit to apply as a volunteer with Child Evangelism Fellowship® to serve in a Good News Club®.
By providing your name in the space provided below, you are digitally signing this application verifying that you have provided all information truthfully and that you have notified references and parents so that we may contact them.
Please complete your grade based on the 2024 - 2025 school year.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Answer "yes" to the following questions ONLY if you have read the documents and viewed the presentation. (Click on the blue links to read or view.) Your registration is not complete until these steps have been completed, so please do it now. Thanks!

I have read the CEF Ministry Compliance Agreement and agree to follow Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) polices and procedures in handling any child abuse situation that may arise.
Please select all that apply.
I have viewed or heard (866-878-4182) the “Protecting Today’s Child” 9-minute presentation.
Please select all that apply.
I have read and am in agreement with the Statement of Faith. 
Please select all that apply.
I have read and agree to abide by the Workers' Compliance Agreement   
Please select all that apply.
New Minor ONLY

For returning minors, put see previous in fields.
Personal References - Pastor

Reference - Non- Family

Parent/Guardian Information

A confirmation email will be sent to your parent/guardian. Your parent/guardian response will be needed to show their consent for you to act as a volunteer leader at any Good News Club or 5 Day Club.

We will be using NEW t-shirts this year.

T-Shirts will be available on both training dates. If you are not attending please let your coordinator know to pick yours up.

We also allow you to purchase an additional t-shirt in a long sleeve to assist in clubs during the colder winter season. These will look the same just in long sleeves.

Please let us know how many shirts you want by checking all that apply below.

Short sleeve shirts are $10
Long sleeve shirts are $13
Please select one option.


Please complete this form and click submit to apply as a volunteer with Child Evangelism Fellowship® to serve in a Good News Club®.